Most bowls will perform one function better than another whether spinning or hitting. Some do both well but this is rarer.
Our grading system is as follows, we use a 6 to 10 grade for all the qualities below. Look for 9's to 10's for a great bowl.
Keep in mind that sometimes a bowl does one thing well and another thing not so well such as a bowl with a great dominant tone, but a silent or non-existent harmonic note.
Just because the bowl gets a 7 score for its harmonic be sure to look to the other sections to get a better view of the bowls complete sound value.
All items, text, images, videos and sound bites on this site
Long projecting tone featured on this antique bronze bowl for the Root/1st & Throat/5th Chakras. Tightly made bowl with a big volume in the 432 hz scale. Ancient circle designs inside and wave dots on edge with artisan hammering visible.
Regular Price $1595.00 Sale Price $895.00
C- 10
MEDIUM BOWL #M303 (7” x 3.25”) 750 gm
Note D5 Fundamental 2nd Chakra/Sacral/Svadhisthana
Note A#3 Fundamental 6th Chakra/3rd Eye/Ajna ~ 227 hz
Ancient Bronze Antique bowl with 4th/Heart and 7th/Crown Chakra energy! Long and warm tone perfect pitch bowl with 2 clear Harmonics and Ancient Crescent etchings!
Regular Price $995.00 SALE PRICE $455.00 !!
C- 9 edge mark plays fine w/leather or wood at an angle.
Golden Bronze Antique bowl with 4th/Heart and 1st/Root Chakra energy! Long and warm tone golden bowl with a clear Harmonic and Ancient etched Signature!
Golden Bronze Antique bowl with 3rd Eye/Ajna and 2nd/Sacral Chakra energy in the 432 hz scale! Powerful and long tone golden bowl with ancient Sun etchings and a clear Harmonic!